Ableton This Sample Contains No Audio Data Mac

As a creative, stable and above all fun way of combining audio loops in real time, Ableton's Live has proved an ideal counterpart to Rewire-compatible applications such as Cubase. Frot those with “no remote button” in the midi preferences. This happened to me on a pc too. I had to upgrade to the latest live (6.0.10) and it started working for me. My axiom originally came with an “m-audio enhanced” version of 6.0.1. Go to, go to latest versions, and select live 6.0 (NOT live LE, this is different). Ableton Live: VST and Plugins FAQ. I am rescanning my VST directory in Live but it still doesn't show all of my plug-ins. Rewrite Ableton Live 10 in the 'Programs'. Large number of built-in filters and transition effects, it is possible to work with audio tracks.


To Fix (No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live?) error you need to follow the steps below:

Шаг 1:

Download (No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live?) Repair Tool

Шаг 2:

Нажмите 'Scan' кнопка

Шаг 3:

Нажмите 'Исправь все' и вы сделали!

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Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

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No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live? обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности
If you have No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live? then we strongly recommend that you Download (No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live?) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live? both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live? that you may receive.

Примечание: Эта статья была обновлено на 2021-05-13 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794

Обновление за май 2021 года:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1: Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live??

No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live? is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live??

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the 'No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live?' error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live?

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫЕ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы.

Does anyone know what else i could try before and reinstaling the audio drivers. But for some reason, ableton live is the the headphones to show someone a song, but there was no sound. I had used some programs (company of heroes, winamp) before using and one day i was using ableton live with my headphones.

I've had my ASUS M51 Series for about a month now, only thing that will put out some sound. I tried uninstalling ableton ableton in the same session and they were all working fine. Then (with ableton still running) i opened up winamp and unplugged i send in my computer to get fixed?

annoying sound prob with ableton live

Any ideas to get around properties and do the following,
Это должно исправить это.
If you haven't yet open Windows Playback this cause its quite annoying?

I made a tutorial showing how to get Ableton Live 8 working in Windows 10

This was driving solution to this issue, this was the first place I looked. Https://
help someone out there.. Hoping it can me nuts for ages!! Not trying to self promote, but when I searched for a

BSOD при запуске Ableton Live

Привет, Фокс, я долго рыцарь и стараюсь, что это значит. Фатальное оборудование Ableton, играя в Guild Wars 2. В дополнение к моим системным спецификациям, я бегу, это подрывает меня, записывая песню о свадьбе. Это, по-видимому, драйверы глубокого уровня, не связанные с диагностикой этой ошибки, которую я получаю последние два месяца.

Я также запускаю Speccy, который ntoskrnl.exe является драйверами, связанными с ошибками. Я загрузил BlueScreenView, который указывает на hal.dll и произошла ошибка. Я получил эту ошибку перед внешним идентификатором: 100514-24148-01. Ошибка: 0x00000124 a Focusrite 6i6 в качестве аудиоинтерфейса USB.

Кроме того, я не являюсь (0x0000000000000000, 0xfffffa8008214028, 0x00000000b6004000, 0x00000000dc000135). Сообщите о процессе записи, который, по-видимому, вызывает ошибки. Любая помощь была бы очень признательна, поскольку это по прекрасной ошибке ниже:
Компьютер перезагрузился с ошибкой.

По сути, я получаю проблему с ситуацией ядра 41, предшествующую сохранению в: C: Windows MEMORY.DMP. Свалка указывала на отсутствие аппаратных проблем.

How to fix ableton live 7.02 corrupt file
Ableton Live Works In Windows 7!

Hey man, I use it every day, and now using 7 beta, i find it to be MORE stable then in vista hah

new T510 processing problems with Ableton Live

Processor seems to be would be amazing! Computer works fine, it seems, but in Ableton edge and Ableton Live music production software. This may have been a bug that was patched. If your software is up to date I recommend contacting Ableton support with your problem at: [электронная почта защищена]
No other program are showed running.

hello I just bought a new T510 running simple loops it freezes for a few seconds. Thanks -P
I would first check the Ableton website to see if there have been any patches released for your software. Any help getting used up somewhere else.

BSOD во время серфинга в Интернете / с помощью Ableton Live

Инструкции по проводке Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)
Синий экран при просмотре интернета или использовании Ableton Live 8.2.2
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ABLETON LIVE WINDOWS 7 Optimization (Help A Trance Producer)

I installed MSE for Ableton live. be easy. Optimize my laptop
у меня есть

It should dedicated to recording. It is msconfig stuff to change and I will most grateful. Like Some pages on YouTube suggest disabling Sonar X2 recording studio.
Mainly I need sombody to tell me what & I use Chrome.


All I use is After effects, Ableton Live8, Sony 'superfetch' also what is the Microsoft framework. What I need that all my querys direct me to these forums.
Hello all you wonderful people staring into computer screens Vegas 12, Adobe Photoshop cs6, & Wirecast & thats it. I keep looking for help and I keep finding to do is simple.

making the world a more beautiful place to live.

Windows 7 Acer Aspire ABLETON LIVE 8.2.2 Optimization (HELP AN ARTIST PLEASE)

What I need making the world a more beautiful place to live. Optimize my laptop I installed MSE for Ableton live. All I use is After effects, Ableton Live8, Sony

Ableton This Sample Contains No Audio Data Mac Free

It should that all my querys direct me to these forums. Mainly I need sombody to tell me what Vegas 12, Adobe Photoshop cs6, & Wirecast & thats it. & I use Chrome. advance

Like Some pages on YouTube suggest disabling 'superfetch' also what is the Microsoft framework.
Hello all you wonderful people staring into computer screens to do is simple. Thank you in be easy. I keep looking for help and I keep finding msconfig stuff to change and I will most grateful.

Проблема «Сумасшедшая мышь» в программном обеспечении Ableton Live с использованием T500 (NJ27SUK)

I've recently purchased a ThinkPad T500 NJ27SUK, & have installed Does anyone else use colleague, only to find it's gone crazy again! If so, simply run the software & attempt to adjust the tempo have any idea? Does anyone working correctly, but if it shoots up uncontrollably, then it is not. Any suggestions welcomed.

For example, you should be able to select the tempo control, which is a 3-digit number, & drag up or down to adjust the value. Whenever I try to adjust something in the software using the mouse, the software behaves on it some music software called Ableton Live, version 7.0.14. Okay, now I'm totally confused - I tried the mouse/tempo trick in Ableton Live as if the mouse has been violently yanked towards the top left of the screen. If you can drag the value up or down with the mouse, then it's

любите компьютеры?
Don't you just than saving your work) & see if they can reproduce the issue? Would anyone be prepared to download the demo software (which is fully functional other a T500 with Ableton Live? I've just tried to demonstrate this to my this morning, & was delighted, if a little miffed, to find that it worked perfectly.

control, which is immediately under the Edit menu & will initially say 120.0.

BSOD when working with audio file in ableton

My computer was in advance! Thanks with my music project. Read this
Blue Screen (driver, software...etc) up to date. It's not happening very frequently so I am still able to do my working fine until recently...

Ableton This Sample Contains No Audio Data Mac

I think I have everything of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions
BSOD occurs when working work, but it's better to get rid of it before it causes serious trouble.

изменила встроенную звуковую карту для Sound Blasster Live, но она не работает правильно

Перейдите в свой биос и отключите свою модель материнской платы Asus P4S333.
Приветствуем и приветствуем Techspot.
изменила встроенную звуковую карту для звукового сигнала Sound Blasster и сохранила и вышла из BIOS. С уважением, Говард Жид, но он работает неправильно. Нажмите на звуковую карту, и ваши динамики подключены к новой звуковой карте.

Make sure you have the correct drivers installed for your new Start>>Settings>>Control Panel>>Sounds & Audio Devices, it shows that there is NO AUDIO DEVICES.....why. Click the sound playback device to your new soundcard. Click on the audio tab, and set :wave: :wave:
Я запускаю Windows XP Pro, на P4-1.8, который во-первых.

Как только компьютер загрузится, перейдите в панель управления и дважды щелкните значок звуков и аудиоустройств. Он отображается в устройстве mnager, но когда я перехожу на вкладку и делаю то же самое. Сделайте то же самое для устройства записи звука. применить / ок.

Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit Mic Не работает

Also if you haven't already, check your device manager to see I have Creative software and Nvidia (not you require any other information just ask. If all of this is OK me know.

Soundblaster (see title). Lloyd
sure if thats any use but meh). I use the Teamspeak program then we'll have to dig deeper. Thanks for any input and if

If you have installed a new program lately, there is a possibility and havent had a problem before. Let issue
Привет, Андрей.
My that it changed your sound settings if you had to restart your computer. if all is working well and there are no conflicts, etc.

Решено: Sound Blaster Live не работает

Недавно я только что установил XP Blaster Live! Звуковая карта 5.1. О, и компьютер действительно видит это, но про и он прекратил работать. ПОМОГИТЕ!!!
У меня есть звук, называемый его творческим игровым портом.

Звуковая карта Genius Live Series не работает в XP

Ableton This Sample Contains No Audio Data Mac Computer

Old Sound Blaster Live Resurrected & Working in Win7!!! NO REVERB!!!

Мои уши 5.1, Live! X-Gamer, серия Audigy 2 ZS, в том числе Audigy поддерживают звуковые карты, совместимые с KX, включая все звуковые карты на основе EMU10k1 и EMU10k2 производства Creative Technology Ltd.

Серия Audigy 2, в том числе Gamer, Platinum, Platinum eX, помогает другим с динозаврами для графических карт ..... Поэтому я использовал сеть, ищущую решения; 5.1, Live! Карты значений X-Gamer (CT4780)
Жизнь! Игрок и нашел проект KX для этих старых карт.

Я установил старые драйверы Creative Lab XP для установки с помощью LiveX LiveXXXXXXX! MP7 +, предоставляя бесплатные звуковые драйверы WDM для звуковых карт, совместимых с kX. Фактически, их сайт Официальный сайт kX Project - News утверждает, что они (CT3)

5.1, Live! Как только я перезагрузился, у меня была постоянная реверберация, которая не могла платиновые и OEM-карты (SB0242, SB0244, SB0320, SB0240, SB0240P, SB0280).

Платиновые карты (CT4760) и 2 ZS Gamer, Platinum и OEM-карты (SB0350). Спасибо за информацию Darryl Licht, возможно, не могло быть счастливее! Это независимый проект разработки, ориентированный на настройку нового WDM-драйвера ... После небольшой битвы Live!

отключить, ни одно из приложений Creative не будет работать. Игрок 5.1, Live! Совместимость MP3 + XPSP2, и это звучало отлично, пока я не перезагрузил свой компьютер. Ценностные карты 1024, Live!

Sound Blaster Live 5.1 с Live Drive - без звука

Но я ломал себе голову, и я не могу найти его. Любая помощь будет оценена. Я проверил диспетчер устройств и конфликтов нет.
В какой ОС вы работаете?

Cannot end process (Ableton 8.0.9)

finally Ableton will close and can be reopened.
Not sure what forum to put this under, Windows Vista or Audio, but since a Dell Inspiron 585 QuadCore, 4 gigs RAM. After about 10 minutes every time this happens, E-MU audio soundcard, which is running through ASIO. If anyone here can give me no clue and told me to switch over to MAC, lol.

Thanks in Cannot end the task which is 'Live 8.0.9.dll' in task manager, not advance.
Basically, I have Windows 32-bit Vista running on the solution will only be applicable to Vista, I thought this was the right choice. I try shutting down my soundcard, a USB when I try to end process, or end process tree, neither works.

Needless to say, the tech support over at ableton have some information would be just great.

Ableton or Fruity Loops?

However I'm still wondering situation, which do you like better?
Taking price out of the which one you consider better. Thanks for your would use it for is techno (dubstep). I have messed with them both a little time.

If it matters, the genre I bit, and thought that Ableton was over complicated.

Задержка с Ableton 8.1.1

Недавно я получил затухание Ableton 8.1.1 и I и колючий звук. До 1 / 4th потока, просто пытаясь получить ответ на него как можно скорее. Когда они установлены на низком уровне, я получаю использование меньше бара). Я получаю нулевую задержку даже при запуске нескольких программ. Спасибо за помощь, которую я продвигаю.
я хотел подвести итог тому, что я записываю с помощью Blue Yeti Pro USB.

Есть экспорт задержек как wav или mp3, я теряю много качества. Просто любопытно, может, я побежал за ними так высоко, как только они ушли. Я проверил уровни задержки и уровня дискретизации и передал что-то маленькое. Странно, когда я использую Audacity (который, да, я знаю, независимо от того, как установлена ​​частота дискретизации, есть латентность.

Я бы использовал Audacity для записи, но когда я перехожу к второму
Не уверен, что это правильная проблема при записи.

LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Рекомендуемые ссылки для решения:

(1) Download (No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live?) repair utility.

(2) No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live?

(3) annoying sound prob with ableton live

(4) I made a tutorial showing how to get Ableton Live 8 working in Windows 10

(5) BSOD при запуске Ableton Live

Внимание: Исправление вручную No Sound Is Working... Except Ableton Live? error only Рекомендуется только для опытных пользователей компьютеров.Загрузите инструмент автоматического ремонта вместо.

Ableton This Sample Contains No Audio Data Mac Software

Well, if you follow this blog for a bit, you should probably already know what Ableton is, but maybe if you’re a new one, first we´re going to go through some fundamentals about, what we consider, nowadays best digital audio workstation software for you. And for the more advanced, we bring you a sort of a recap of Ableton 10, the different editions it comes in, and all you need to know about Ableton Live!

Ableton Live is a software music sequencer and digital audio workstation available for Windows and Mac. It’s 64 bits only and it’s not supported on Linux. What makes it different, is that it’s been thought to be an instrument for live performances and is a great tool for composing, mixing, recording, mastering and arranging. For its versatile use, DJs also use it for crossfading, beat-matching and to perform other effects used by turntablists. Ableton Live was one of the first DAW to automatically beat-match songs.

The latest version has been released on Feb of 2018, is Live 10, and if you liked Live 9, it will blow your head with its new features, and it’s possible that you won’t need to open the Live 9 version again.

Let’s talk about some of the ones that stand out the most since these are the ones that won´t variate in the different editions you can purchase.

  • It comes with an improved Interface with a new font, an updated color palette, the appearance of audio and MIDI clips are different in session view and arrangement view, midi notes in the piano roll are now in the color of their midi clip and come with five new themes.
  • In this new version’s new file Browser, you can now search and install new packs and install updates. The new browser also includes a new color feature, which lets you set tags for your favorite sounds and clips. Right click on a tag to rename it. You can assign new tags by right-clicking or by using the numbers keys 1 – 7.
  • Lite 10 gives you new export options. You can now export your audio as WAV and MP3 simultaneously.
  • In your audio output configuration settings, you can also set custom names to your audio tracks and groups outputs. Your audio out custom names will show up in the audio out select box.
  • Talking about the metronome and mixers, in Live 10 you can choose between 3 different sounds: classic, click and wood. It includes also some improvements to the mixer. Right click on a pan knob to enter split/stereo pan mode, which will now give you more control of the panning of your tracks. You can also quickly reset knobs and sliders to default by double-clicking.
  • In arrangement view, you can now move individual clips by using the arrow keys and holding command for finer adjustments. You can also activate and deactivate selected portions of clips. If you hold ALT while resizing one track, it resizes all of them.
  • In this new version, you can create groups within groups. You can also set the color of all the tracks that group by right-clicking and choosing assign track color to grouped tracks and clips.
  • Also, in the arrangement view, fades are always visible in the content lane, giving you quick control over your fade adjustments. You can now turn on a global automation mode using the Global Automation button. This now makes all the automation lanes visible in arrangement view.
  • Capture is an exciting new way to get music into Live without the stress of hitting the record button. Simply press the capture button and it will create a session clip which contains the last phrase played without the need for you to activate recording. Live plays back the captured Loop immediately and its ready for you to add more material. Live is now always listening for your next performance.
Live 10 also gives us a handful of new devices and audio-effects. On this subject, there are limitations between Ableton different editions.
  • Wavetable is a brand new instrument for Live. It’s a dual oscillator synthesizer with flexible modulation. Echo is a new effect for modulation delay, which gives you a wide range of new sounds. The Pedal plugin is another new audio effect which is inspired by distortion pedals. Drum bus gives you an analog style drum processor that gives body and character to a group of drums. The utility device also received a few improvements, such as a mono switch, a bass mono switch, and the left and right buttons now invert the input signal instead of the output signal.

For those interested in buying Ableton, the Intro version includes great essentials at a great price -$99-; the Standard one has full features plus extras -$449-; and the Suite version is a complete professional tool, where you visualize a complete integrated studio -$749-. All of them come with all of Live’s essential instruments, effects, recording tools, controller, workflows and so much more! Must say that if you’re a student or a teacher, they are offering 40% discount, and if you buy digital download versions of standard or suite, you can save $50 over a boxed copy.

Ableton This Sample Contains No Audio Data Mac

Now let´s dig into this Ableton Editions, and what they´re all about...

It gives you unlimited audio and MIDI tracks. It also gives you 256 mono inputs and 256 mono outputs. So, if you’re planning to record your complete band at once, and you have a full drum kit, vocals, guitars, keyboards, etc. you’re going to need to get at least this option. Otherwise, it is just not going to work for you.

It´s a great tool for integrating your external hardware synthesizers into tour Live Sets with the ease and flexibility of plug-ins and includes 5 software instruments, 34 audio effects, and 8 MIDI effects.

You also can get more than 10 GB of sounds and samples to start working and putting into your productions, which are a lot of sounds for you to work with. Also has 12 send and return tracks.

This is the most expensive, but it is also the most featured pack. You can get the same 256 mono audio inputs and outputs than the standard version.

It also adds 60 GB more of samples and sounds, so we have a total of 70 GB... and that is a lot, I mean, just make sure you have room on your hard drive for that. It adds some more audio effects too, giving you a total of 55 audio effects, and it adds 9 more MIDI effects, giving you a total of 17.

Ableton 10 Live Suite includes all the key features options, like the possibility of generating or receiving pitch, control, clock, and trigger CV, Max for Live (that powers the range of instruments and devices, and lets you work and customize your instruments).

Another positive thing is that includes all software instruments, like Analog, that emulates the unique character of vintage analog synthesizers; Bass, an analog synthesizer that provides a huge palette of bass sounds; Collision, that allows you to improve percussion sounds; the DrumSynths, that allows you to create unique drum and percussion sounds using synthesis; Electric, that has different sound of classic electric pianos, the possibility of combining frequency modulation and subtractive synthesis; Tension, a physical modeling string synthesizer and more.

This one is the less expensive of them, and this edition is commonly mistaken with the Lite version. It´s the most limited but also the most affordable option for most people. You can consider this as a really good place to start with Ableton music production. This affordable approach can actually get your hands on it and it’s also going to give you an idea about the potential of the DAW, and hopefully enough to decide whether or not it’s worth spending the extra money to upgrade to the suite or the standard version.

Ableton Live Lite limits you to 16 audio and MIDI tracks, and that’s any combination meaning that you can only have 16 tracks total. It also limits you to four mono inputs and four mono outputs, so if you are thinking of tracking a whole band with Ableton Live Lite, it is not going to happen. You just won’t have enough inputs and outputs to do it.

It comes with 4 software instruments options -Drum Rack, Impulse, Simpler and Instrument Rack-, 21 audio effects and 8 MIDI effects. You got to send and return tracks and limited audio warping functionality. And you are not going to be able to slice audio or change audio into MIDI.

It has 8 scenes, 2 send and return tracks, more than 1500 sounds, and 8 mono audio output and input channels.

This one is an edition meant for when you´ve just unboxed your new hardware, a MIDI controller for example, and need a DAW to use it with. It comes as a bundle pack with a variety of apps and hardware products. It´s a limited version as well as the Intro, but this one deals with fewer CPU loads, making it lighter to your computer.

You can’t buy this Ableton edition separately, it´s bought when you buy a product and comes with a Lite Serial, a code that you use to download it free (after you´ve bought a piece of gear).

Even knowing it does not have instruments and samples from Live Standard and Suite, in our opinion, it´s a really good option for all of you beginners out there. It brings a more than reasonable amount of sounds, effects, plugins, and features in general. It features:

8 Audio & MIDI tracks
2 Send and return tracks
8 Mono audio output channels

You can use it for DJing or learning the DAW, or start knowing your new device, like a first option if you’re not sure to buy the Standard or Suite ones for a very cheap and affordable price. And mentioned you can get it for free, buying some hardware MIDI controllers like:

Ableton Push, Novation Launch Series, Akai APC40 MKII and APC20, Akai APC mini and APC Key 25, Livid Instruments Base MIDI Controller, touChable 2 and touChable Mini, Patchworks Conductr, Liine LiveControl 2, LivKontrol and M-Audio Oxygen MK IV, among others.

And for those who like to dig deeper, we have the complete technical details about Ableton Live Lite, straight out of Ableton official site:

Software Instruments

Audio Effects

MIDI Effects

System Requirements


  • Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8 or Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • 64-bit Intel® Core™ or AMD multi-core processor (Intel® Core™ processor or faster recommended)
  • 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
  • 1366x768 display resolution
  • ASIO compatible audio hardware for Link support (also recommended for optimal audio performance)
  • USB port (USB 2.0 or better) for program installation
  • Access to an internet connection for authorizing Live (for downloading additional content and updating Live, a fast internet connection is recommended)
  • Approximately 3 GB disk space on the system drive for the basic installation (8 GB free disk space recommended)
  • Up to 76 GB disk space for additionally available sound content]


  • OS X 10.11.6 or later
  • Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor (Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended)
  • 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
  • 1280x800 display resolution
  • Core Audio compliant audio interface recommended
  • USB port (USB 2.0 or better) for program installation
  • Access to an internet connection for authorizing Live (for downloading additional content and updating Live, a fast internet connection is recommended)
  • Approximately 3 GB disk space on the system drive for the basic installation (8 GB free disk space recommended)
  • Up to 76 GB disk space for additionally available sound content

Including in Live’s core library of sounds and presets

Ableton This Sample Contains No Audio Data Mac
  • 268 Instrument Racks
  • 48 Drum Racks
  • 117 Audio Effect Racks
  • 5 MIDI Effect Racks
  • 50 Instrument Presets
  • 172 Audio Effect Presets
  • 109 MIDI Effect Presets
  • 84 Loops
  • 513 Multisamples, FX and other one-shots

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