If I’m in close quarters, the camera will show me the back of my character’s head or it will suddenly go first person. It’s disconcerting when it happens but it lets me know I’m up against something solid. I knew a couple of people who played first person almost all the time back in WoW Classic, but I don’t know how they could do that. Reduce input lag: on/off no difference. Mouse sensitivity settings in wow: off. Max foreground fps: off. Rawmouseenable: 1/0 no difference. As i say, it isn't that bad in wow - if it was some fps game that was doing it i'd probably be going mad. The only thing it sometimes affects is my disengaging in a panic and moving the mouse.
Action Camera Mode is a separate camera mode introduced in Heart of Thorns which adds a first/third person shooter-like element to the default camera view. Certain adventures make active use of this camera mode, such as the Shooting Gallery and the Scrap Rifle Field Test.
After tweaking Dynamic Cam for a few weeks I got it to be smooth transitions from combat to questing. After Doing that I did the same with Immersion Addon of course that wasn't as bad. After that I downloaded all the ClassicUI Suite. I find leveling this way is a fresh experience.
In order to toggle this camera mode on or off outside of adventures, the player must first assign a hotkey in their controls. This option can be found under the Camera section of the Control Options menu in Controls. Once a hotkey has been assigned, pressing that key (or set of keys) will toggle the camera mode.
With this camera mode active, the mouse cursor will be locked in the middle of the screen and be transformed into a reticle. Moving the cursor will at this point move the camera with it (as it would by holding down right mouse button and moving the cursor in regular camera mode).
Best Dynamic Cam Settings Wow Quest
- When not facing an enemy, a single white dot - a targeting reticule - will appear in the middle of the screen.
- When facing an enemy, an 'X' is added around the targeting reticule.
- When an enemy has been targeted and is being faced, a circle is added to the targeting reticule in addition to the 'X'.
- When an enemy is in range of one or more skills, targeted and being faced, the converging lines will rotate by 45 degrees (top to bottom, right to left)
Best Dynamic Cam Settings Wow Quest
While this camera mode is active, clicking on the left mouse button will toggle the character's auto-attack and clicking on the right mouse button locks the target under the reticle.
- This camera mode was mainly worked on by Joel Helmich.
- There are a few areas in the game that do not respond properly to action camera. The most obvious is the final story instance in Arah, wherein targeting cannot lock the flying dragon minions.